Archive (Before 2013)

house paint on a broken down apartment building at Ahyun-dong,Seoul, South Korea, 2012

Photo by Hez Kim

house paint on a broken down apartment building at Ahyun-dong,Seoul,2012
Photo by TJ

House paint,Acrylic on abandoned cars_Barenquell Beer Factory, Berlin_2012

House paint,Acrylic on Container_Gallery Nomads, Marseille, France_ 2012

We Don't Blame You, Solo Show, 2011
House paint, Acrylic on wall @ Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin


Mixed media on paper/ canvas 2010 - 2013 @ Jazoo Yang


acrylic on Korean traditional roof tile 'Giwa' , 2012

Relics in Jangjeon, 2011

Public work
Busan, South Korea
Commissioned by Funny Revenge

For 2 months from July 20 through September 20, 2011, Jazoo Yang stayed at the independent art space AGIT’s residency program in Jangjeon-dong, Busan, Korea. The area has been transformed into a (one-room) studio village by tearing down old buildings under the influence of capitalism. The artist assumed the houses, buildings being torn down into rubbles as an imaginary excavation site to find relics. The project was about finding, excavating the relics and restoring them, which included installation works with plastic tapes and paint, reconstruction of the site, and exhibition of excavated relics. 

2011,7 20일부터 9 20  달간작가는 부산 장전동에 위치한 독립 문화 공간 아지트에 입주 작가로 머물며 작업했다부산 장전동은 자본 논리에 따라 오래된 집을 허물고 급격하게 원룸촌으로 바뀌고 있는 곳으로이곳에서 작가는 허물어져가는 거리와 집들의 현장을 가상의 유물이 발굴된 곳으로 상정했다테이프와 페인트를 이용한 설치 작업전시 공간에서의 현장 재현발굴한 유물들을 전시하는 방식으로,  장전동의 유물유적을 발굴복원하는 프로젝트를 펼쳤다.

Fake sign in Jangjeon-dong, 2011

' This area is where excavation research is conducted based on the Cultural Properties Protection Law. As there is a risk of a safety accident, Do not enter without permission. '

Fake sign in Jangjeon-dong, 2011_  ' KEEP OUT '

Exhibition of relics in Jangjeon-dong @ 2011